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发布日期:2025-01-13   浏览:

近日,我院陶攀教授课题组和生命科学技术学院邹婷婷教授课题组共同在Cell Reports杂志发表研究论文“DNA methylation activates retron Ec86 filaments for antiphage defense”,揭示了大肠杆菌retron防御系统抵抗噬菌体感染的分子机制。

Retron是近年来新发现的一种细菌防御系统,由逆转录酶、非编码RNA和效应蛋白三个元件组成,其中的逆转录酶以非编码RNA作为模板,合成RNA/DNA嵌合分子。因其生成多拷贝单链DNA(msDNA)的能力,retron系统近年来在基因组编辑领域逐渐崭露头角,例如在细菌和真核细胞中的精准基因编辑、基因组记录(SCRIBE)、序列突变和进化(Retron Library Recombineering)等应用。然而,Retron系统在抵抗噬菌体感染中的激活和防御机制目前仍有待揭示。

本研究聚焦大肠杆菌Retron Ec86(Eco1)系统,发现噬菌体编码的DNA胞嘧啶甲基转移酶(Dcm)是Ec86系统的激活因子,并且证实Dcm能够通过甲基化msDNA中的胞嘧啶,激活Retron Ec86系统。冷冻电镜结构解析发现,Ec86系统的逆转录酶、msDNA和效应蛋白共同形成多聚化丝状结构,该丝状结构具有NAD+水解活性,通过耗竭细菌中的NAD+,在子代噬菌体完成组装之前诱导细菌自杀,从而实现抗噬菌体的防御功能(图1)。本文研究揭示了Retron Ec86的激活及其抗噬菌体感染的详细机制,深化了对细菌防御系统的理解,为Retron系统在基因组编辑中的应用提供了理论指导。

图1 细菌Retron Ec86系统的激活及其抵抗噬菌体感染的工作模型




英文摘要:Retrons are a class of multigene antiphage defense systems typically consisting of a retron reverse transcriptase, a non-coding RNA, and a cognate effector. Although triggers for several retron systems have been discovered recently, the complete mechanism by which these systems detect invading phages and mediate defense remains unclear. Here, we focus on the retron Ec86 defense system, elucidating its modes of activation and mechanisms of action. We identified a phage-encoded DNA cytosine methyltransferase (Dcm) as a trigger of the Ec86 system and demonstrated that Ec86 is activated upon multicopy single-stranded DNA (msDNA) methylation. We further elucidated the structure of a tripartite retron Ec86-effector filament assembly that is primed for activation by Dcm and capable of hydrolyzing nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD). These findings provide insights into the retron Ec86 defense mechanism and underscore an emerging theme of antiphage defense through supramolecular complex assemblies.